Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lawn Boys in Training

Our boys are the BEST helpers. The weekly chore of doing the yard is a big event around our house - and Gram's house too. TJ just loves to drive Gram's tractor. As you can see sometimes he really is the one driving.
Don't forget Tyler, he is a big help too. He never misses his chance to "hang around with Dad". Tyler takes his job very seriously!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Uncle Jay!

Today is Uncle Jay's birthday. Last night we all went to dinner at Texas de Brazil to celebrate. We had a great time - we ate too much, and we all look forward to going again! As you can see from the pictures TJ enjoyed the soup - lobster bisque, what can I say - he has GREAT taste. Tyler was the best baby EVER - we were in the restaurant for two hours and he was HAPPY the entire time. He is defiantly a keeper. Of course, TJ was good too, but he actually got to eat! On the way home he said his favorite thing was the chocolate cake. TJ said he wanted to go there for his birthday too, we'll have to see about that!

Monday, September 17, 2007

TJ's Tricycle Time!

T.J. is learning how to ride his tricycle. He has been trying to reach the peddles for at least six months. He was SO excited when a few weeks ago his feet touched and he was able to start learning how to ride it. He can almost make the long ride to Gram's house by himself! We are so proud of him.

Who needs Space Mountain?

We enjoy taking the kids on a walk in the evenings. When we get home Chuck enjoys sending the boys on their own "roller coaster". He stands at the bottom of the driveway and pushes the stroller up to the top. Then the boys come "racing" down. Tyler laughs and TJ screams like he is riding a roller coaster. I don't know if it is more fun for Dad or the boys. Either way everyone has a great time!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

T.J.'s Picnic

This is T.J. with his preschool teacher.

Last Thursday I was invited to eat lunch at T.J.'s preschool. I was able to meet some of his friends and get to know a few of the other parents. We feel so blessed to have T.J. in a great school. He just LOVES his teacher and his new friends.

First Post

This is my first attempt to create a blog. I have several blogs that I like to keep up with and I have finally been inspired enough to start my own.

This last week was a busy one at the Fritts house. Tyler turned 10 months old. He is starting to take his first steps. We are so excited!