Friday, July 3, 2009

Beach Days

We took our annual Foreman Family beach trip again this summer.  We had a great time as usual.  It was also eventful as usual.  Tyler fell off the ladder that lead to the girls top bunk and we later learned he broke his collar bone (he is fine now and has recovered beautifully).  Chuck kicked the rusted umbrella stand and we had to go to Pensacola and visit a walk-in clinic to get him a tetanus shot.  I got sick the last night we were there (I think I enjoyed the appetizer just a little too much!!!) but once my stomach was empty I was fine.  TJ, well he learned how to swim!!!!  I was afraid the strangers at the pool were going to call DCF on us but we are still his parents even after the public torture.  He actually likes swimming now!!!  We really did have a great time and we are so blessed to have a family that makes spending time together a priority.  Thanks mom for taking us to the beach again this year.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it as much as anyone. Thank you for sharing your summer with me.