Sunday, January 27, 2008

TJ's First Camping Trip!

What a great view!
TJ helped Mr. Adam fish and was SO proud of himself.
TJ, Olivia, and Isabella after a cold night in the tent.
Chuck took TJ camping for the first time last night. Tyler and I stayed home, but got to go visit the campsite (since it was a whole 2 miles from our house!). They went with Mr. Adam and his girls Isabella and Olivia. Mr. Adam taught TJ how to fish, as you can see from the picture their campsite was at the edge of the lake. They had a beautiful view and enjoyed lots of fishing. Chuck and Adam did a GREAT job with the three kids. They came home with only a few minor bumps and bruises. I think they we be planning their next camping trip soon. I look forward to Tyler being old enough so we can join them for the overnight adventure.

1 comment:

Cricket said...

Looks like a lot of fun! It think Sean needs to take our boys sometime soon!