Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today we celebrated TJ's fourth birthday. It is hard for me to believe that my baby is four. I know every mother thinks this but I just am SO happy he is in our family. He has the sweetest spirit and is just a delight to be around. He makes friends easily and already plays well with other kids. We told TJ we would do what ever he wanted to do on Saturday morning before Aunt Shirley and Uncle Clyde came to Gram's for lunch. He wanted to go garage sailing (I was SO proud - I have taught him well!!!) I am glad that it was Saturday and we could accommodate that request. We ended up at a community sale and we were in search of a BIG RIG. God is so good - He not only found a big rig and trailer but it only cost 25 cents. TJ was SO excited about that big rig!! Aunt Shirley and Uncle Clyde brought presents for both the boys - TJ got a Bat Man car and Tyler got a set of John Deere tractors - the boys couldn't have been happier!! We had a great visit with them. I am so glad they were able to come over. We ended the day at The Picture People in the mall. We got pictures of both the boys and a family shot that we were happy with. We let TJ choose where we would eat. He chose Chick-fil-a. I wonder how many more years we will be allowed to let him choose where he wants to eat.

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