Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Can you drink from a Cup Tyler?

Now that Tyler is ONE he is supposed to drink out of a cup. He is really working on it and getting better. The first couple of days when I would offer the cup instead of a bottle he wouldn't have anything to do with it. But now he is starting to get the hang of it. I am really proud of him.

We took him for his one year check up and he was 29 inches long (25% on the growth chart) and 18 lbs. 8 oz. (off the bottom of the chart!). The Dr. was not worried he said that we have to work with what the Lord gives us and then pointed to me and Chuck!!!! Tyler was given a PERFECT bill of health. The Dr. was pleased with his social skills and even got to hear him say "no". I guess he has heard that word a few times!

1 comment:

Cricket said...

Asher went in for his 6 month check up today and he weighed in at 18lbs 8oz. I looked at the nurse, who's been there through all the boys and said, "we grown them big in our house." She was actually surprised that he didn't weight more, he had gone down from 90% to 75% in weight. So funny.