Tuesday, November 13, 2007

TJ's Happy Birthday at School

TJ got to celebrate his birthday at school today. He was so excited to take cupcakes for his friends. They sang "Happy Birthday" to him and made him feel special.

We also took TJ to his three year check-up with the Dr. today. He is exactly 3 feet tall (25% on the growth chart) and weighs 31 lbs (50% on the chart). The Dr. had no concerns and said he was very well behaved! He got the flu shot today and was excited about receiving it (he didn't remember that shots hurt!). We have been playing with a Dr. kit at home and that "shot" doesn't hurt. After the nurse gave him the shot he cried just a little bit and then looked at her and said "that hurt". He was so sweet about it. Then he watched Tyler get three shots and scream the whole time. I think that is when he realized that he didn't have it so bad.

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