Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tot Trot

TJ ran his first race today. After the Turkey Trot was over they had a Tot Trot for kids. TJ was in the boys 3 and under category and Chuck was allowed to run with him. He was so excited to get his number just like Daddy. They gave all the children a number 1 but we let TJ know his number 1 was a big deal. He really did well. He ran the whole 100 yards and was so excited to get a 1st place ribbon (they gave those to ALL the kids too). It was such a great family event. We cheered TJ on and he was so proud of himself. I can't express what a great experience it was for me as a mom to see my little boy "run" in the race. After cheering Chuck on for so many years it was a pleasure to pass that cheering onto TJ. I look forward to many more chances to cheer TJ on in life.

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